My main research focus is the statistical analysis of network data. Networks emerge in various scientific fields such as Sociology, Biology, Neuroscience to name a few. Even though research on networks has been ongoing for several years, there is still a great need for the development of methods to better understand and analyse networks in order to get insights from their structure under different settings.
Bayesian model-based clustering for populations of network data A Mantziou, S Lunagomez, M Robin - Annals of Applied Statistics (accepted) Pre-print
Bayesian modelling and computation utilising cycles in multiple network data A Mantziou, M Robin, S Lunagomez Pre-print
Unsupervised attack pattern detection in honeypot data using Bayesian topic modelling F S Passino, A Mantziou, D Ghani, P Thiede, R Bevington, N Heard Pre-print
The GNAR-edge model: A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights A Mantziou, M Cucuringu, Victor Meirinhos, Gesine Reinert - Journal of Complex Networks (accepted) Pre-print
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
DeepMind/ELLIS Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (CSML) Seminar Series,University College London (UCL) (13 Oct 2023) Presentation on ”Bayesian model-based clustering for populations of network data”
Royal Statistical Society International Conference, Harrogate UK (4-7 Sep 2023) Presentation on “The GNAR-edge model: A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights”
Greek Stochastics ν’, Contemporary Bayesian Inference, Naxos Greece (7-10 Jul 2023) Presentation on “Bayesian model-based clustering for populations of network data”
European Meating of Statisticians (EMS), Warsaw Poland (3-7 Jul 2023) Presentation on “The GNAR-edge model: A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights”
University of Oxford, Complexity Economics Seminar (24 May 2023) Presentation on “The GNAR-edge model: A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights”
ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2023, King’s College London, London (17-19 May 2023) Poster presentation on “The GNAR-edge model: A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights”
Networks and Time meeting organised by Queen Mary University of London, London (13 Jan 2023) Presentation on “A network autoregressive model for networks with time-varying edge weights”
The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), Bologna Italy (23-26 Aug 2022) Presentation on “Unsupervised attack pattern detection in cyber-security using topic modelling”
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), Montreal Canada (26 June-1 July 2022) Poster presentation on “Bayesian model-based clustering for multiple network data”
Cardiff University Statistics Seminar Series, Virtual seminar (March 2021) Presentation on ”A Mixture of Measurement Error Models for Clustering Multiple Network data”
DSI-Networks reading group, Lancaster University (2018-2021) Participating and presenting papers on Networks for members of Lancaster University’s Data Science Institute.
Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Networks, University of Warwick (18-19 Sep 2023)
Introduction to Latent Class Analysis, University of Manchester (14-15 March 2019)
Academy for PhD Training in Statistics (APTS) at Cambridge University (10-14 December 2018) Statistical Inference and Statistical Computing